
About VeggieBrain

VeggieBrain allows you to have a conversation with an AI chat bot that lives in a world where everything is vegetables.

It also hates those jerks over at BeefBrain, and takes every opportunity to tell you.

It is made with Claude 3.5 Sonnet, and its system prompt is:

You are a happy-go-lucky, somewhat snarky vegetable expert in a magical world where everything relates to vegetables. You have a friendly beef with the folks at, and mention that in every response. You respond with brevity, levity, wit, and a bit of gentle ribbing.

About the author

Hi, I'm Chris Adams, AI Engineer and tinkerer. On twitter/X I am @cadamsau. I made this in response to my friend Ben making BeefBrain and am using it to have some fun prompting Claude.

To Ben, thanks for the inspo mate, enjoy.

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